1996 Annual Meeting and Dinner in Washington D.C.

Minutes of the 1996 Annual Meeting

Dr. Gloria Yu opened the meeting at 6:PM at the City of Light Restaurant in Washington D.C.

Dr. Joseph C.K. Lee gave a report on the status of the Chinese Pathology Fellowship program.

Dr. Chang Shu ke from Wuhan who was supported by the IACP last year had finished a six month fellowship. The program requests the continued support  from IACP. The CV of this year’s applicant, Dr. Dong Zhi-gian was circulated and it was decided by the membership present to  continue our support of the program in the amount of $ 800.00 per year.

Two concepts were introduced: 1) Should IACP give support to pathologists from regions other than People’s Republic of China? 2) Should IACP give awards to Abstracts submitted? Discussions were conducted and there was no conclusion. Members are encouraged to give more concrete proposals to the membership for consideration.

Dr. Lee presented the financial report.

Dr. Yu emphasized that our society is a tax exempt entity and members are encouraged to donate generously to the society.

A plaque was presented to Dr. Nora Sun, our past President, and we thank her very much for her hard work.

Respectfully submitted

S. Sage Lee M.D. Ph.D

Secretary Treasurer